Friday, November 28, 2008
The Miracle of Thanksgiving
Poor Thanksgiving. It is overlooked in the overcommercialized holiday season. Many even call it Turkey Day. It is thought of as a day of parades, overeating, and football. I don't think it is what our forefathers pictured when it was first celebrated. Of course, many people today don't even know the history of it, or at least the TRUE history....due to some politically correct history adjustments.
Religious freedom in the 1600s was a very scary movement. For the state, it was because they feared it and losing power for the Church of England. For the "Separatists", it was because they feared the consequences and punishments for going against the state religion. In order to worship God and stay true to His ways, they left for Holland. Holland gave them the freedom to worship, but the culture around them went against everything they believed in. They decided that the New World would be their new home.
If you look back at writings from this time from William Bradford, they fully understood what they were doing. It was not a life of luxury they wanted, nor a promise of an easy time. Bradford wrote, "They had a great hope and inward zeal of laying a good foundation, for the propagating and advancing of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world; yea though they should be but even as stepping stones unto others." They fully expected to begin something that they would not finish, but lay the foundation for future generations.
This reminds me of Hebrews 11, the Hall of Faith chapter. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and many others knew they were laying a foundation of faith for the next generation. It was up to the next generation to keep building on this foundation, or to walk away. We see some that did continue to build, and some that did walk away.
We all know that the trip on the Mayflower was not a joy ride. It was a long, cold, and miserable trip. Many on the ship died and most were sick. It is worth taking a look at on your own to see the faith these people had, and how they looked to God for everything.
The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth and praised God. Can you imagine? All the death and destruction they had seen. They landed somewhere they did not want to. They did not know anyone and had no food. But they prayed and celebrated by reading Psalm 100! We can't even go on a three hour trip without complaining about hunger or getting lost!
The days ahead got even worse. By the end of the winter, more than half of the people had died. When spring came, Natives came to help them. The one whose story I am constantly amazed by is Squanto. He is their Joseph.
Squanto's tribe, the Patuxets, once inhabited the land the Pilgrims were living on. The tribe had been wiped out by a plague. Squanto had survived because he had been kidnapped and taken as a slave to Spain and then England. He knew English, and had been taught about God by some monks that had helped him. Out of the evil that had been done to him, he was able to help the Pilgrims.
Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to grow food and harvest it. It was after this harvest that they celebrated what we think of as Thanksgiving.
This is not a holiday of overeating or spending lots of money. It is not a holiday to forget. It is a holiday to teach our family add to the foundation that was laid before us.
We remember the sacrifices made by those first Pilgrims, laying a foundation for a Christian land. We remember the Natives, that helped them. We remember the Sovereignty of God. We remember that God is in control.... and we are thankful that He is.
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.
Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him; bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting,
And His faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pluck it out!!
Sorry any men reading, but stick with me..
I really didn't give it much thought until about the time I got married. I look back at my bridal portraits and cringe. It must have been some time after that when I first had my eyebrows waxed. It would take me years to tweeze them!
It is a personal preference. I would rather have lots of hair ripped out by the roots at one time, than to deal with each hair being plucked out at once. (Bless your heart if you are still reading!) And you have to stay on top of it too. You can be fine one day, and then look in the mirror and think those eyebrows are going to take over! So, do you pluck one out at a time before it gets too bad, or do you wait and have it all pulled out at once. Decisions, decisions.
So, when it comes time to deal with the sin in your life. How do you deal with it?
WHAT!! Yes, I am making the analogy, just go with me.....
When is the last time you took a look at your life through the lens of God's Word. Did you see some out of place things? Are there things in your life that keep it from being a life that glorifies God? Even if it is stuff that no one else knows about. He does.
I have lived most of my life as a Christian. I have spent the past couple of years dealing with the fact that I may not have been a Christian as long as I thought I had. My close friends have been with me through these long theological discussions. I have one friend I must continually annoy with the types of things I get her to discuss with me, but she sticks around anyway.
One of these ideas, is how have I allowed God to deal with sin in my life? I could tell you that 4 years ago, it would be let it go until I have to deal with it. My life was too much of the world. God decided to make me deal with it by ripping a lot out at one time. Ouch! Did it hurt! But, He had a plan that He needed me ready for, and my life needed "waxing". It was not a fun process, but it was worth it.
Since then, I have taken the "tweezer" approach to sin in my life. Pluck it out! When I have something in my life that does not honor God, it is time to pluck it out.
So, are you watching something you shouldn't....pluck it out! Are you saying things you shouldn't....pluck it out! Are you WEARING things you shouldn't....pluck it out! I could go on, but you get the idea.
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21
Go get those tweezers!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A new twist on pumpkin!!
I am sharing the recipe in hopes of changing your traditional pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving to this easy dessert.
Pumpkin Cobbler
1 large can pumpkin pie mix (with the sugar and spices in it)
1 large can evaporated milk
4 eggs
1 box spice cake mix
1 stick butter
2 cups chopped pecans/walnuts (your preference)
Preheat oven to 350. Mix the pumpkin pie mix, eggs, and evaporated milk together. Pour into greased 11x13 casserole dish. Melt butter and mix with dry cake mix and nuts. Crumble mixture over pumpkin in casserole dish. DO NOT MIX TOGETHER. Bake for 1 hour. Serve warm with Cool Whip or ice cream.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I am still here.................
I am diagnosing my problem as "scared to blog without pictures." I had someone tell me once that they looked at the blog once, but since there were not a lot of pictures, they didn't bother going through and reading it. Well, what do you say to that? So, now I have a fear of writing a post with out wonderful pictures to go along. I think I need to get over that.
Here is another idea.....there has been so much in my head to write about all the political things going on in our nation, and that might not have been best. I do plan on posting about it, but it will be much different than if I had been too emotional.
So....expect more from me time it won't take Carmen yelling at me from Tennessee!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Another year older
I am getting closer and closer to another decade. But why do you always feel 17 inside, 'cause the outside sure does not.
I have been trying to figure out what to write. It is much easier to write about my children or my husband on their birthdays.
Today is the day that the Lord chose for me to be born. There is some significance in that. He is the One that numbers our days, so I am sure He had a reason for it.
I was born almost two months early. My mother tells the story of how the doctor did not tell her until the next day that he was surprised that I lived through the night. The other family story is that I was two years old until I was "paid off", from all of the medical bills.
I guess it is a day to reflect on my life and what God has done. He continues to amaze me, that His lovingkindness towards me continually renews. I love Him more and more, with each year...each day...each hour that passes. I guess that is the lesson from my birthday.........Great is His Faithfulness!!
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting."
Psalm 139:13-18, 23-24
Monday, October 27, 2008
You would think I would learn.......
Last week, my family went to the Creation Museum. It was a wonderful trip and I will post about it later in the week, along with pictures. I was immersed in the world of Genesis, a book I love. We learned of Adam and Eve, Noah, Babel, Abraham and lots of wonderful evidence for our Creator. Learning about the faithful.
Yesterday, my youngest son was sick and we were not able to go to church. I spent the day in my Bible and watching preaching on TV.....good preachers, not bad ones.
I watched a well known preacher. He was preaching on the parable of the sower and the seed. I love that parable, there is much to learn. He had a point that struck me about the sustaining power of God's Word and having the faith to believe it.
After he was through, I watched another church and their annual Night to Honor Israel. The guest speaker did a wonderful presentation of the idea of God blessing those who bless Israel. This was the promise God gave Abraham when his faith was counted unto righteousness.
After that was through, I watched an apologetics show on the parables of Jesus. Jesus was trying to show the "religious" people they had it wrong about works. We still do it today, by forgetting the grace we are saved by, but wanting others to receive judgment.
After that, I found a movie about Joseph that was coming on. It was really good. They ordered a few things wrong, but all the parts of the story were there. It was told in flashback, as Joseph telling Potiphar his story. I liked it, and cried when Joseph forgives his I didn't know it was coming!
Today, my oldest son and I were studying Mesopotamia and the call of Abram. We talked of how Abram had faith to believe God and obey.
So....where am I going with all this. I have been surrounded with Scripture, even on the computer...I am looking for verses to put on my walls. But, am I believing them?
You would think I would learn, that this is the perfect recipe for a stumble or a pitfall. It is always the same one, for me it is one thing, and for you it is probably something else, but it works the same way. The ideas come in my mind, the whispers of insecurity, and the feelings start. I see it for what it is now, not like times in the past. It does not mean that the feelings that come up don't hurt. I just know to go to God with them and cry to Him to help me...He can be trusted, my feelings can't.
Tonight, I watched The Way of the Master on TV. Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort did a whole show on how our senses can not be trusted. Only the infallible Word of God can be trusted.
This time, I don't want to stumble. I want to believe. I choose to believe.
"I life up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip-he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you- the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm-he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
Psalm 121
Friday, October 17, 2008
I stole this!
35 Odd Things About Me
1. Do you like blue cheese salad dressing? yes
2. Do you own a gun? no, but dh is police officer so he does
3. What's your favorite drink at Starbucks? Tall Double shot on ice, breve with sugar free vanilla
4. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee
5. Do you do pushups? No.
6. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? The locket my husband gave me for our wedding, it says "Only God could love you more." on the back.
7. Favorite hobby? reading/cooking
8. Do you have A.D.D? No, but my friend says otherwise
9. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? easily distracted (maybe I am ADD)
10. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I'm tired. I have a lot to do. I hope the game is rained out.
11. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink. Coffee, Diet Coke, Unsweet tea, Diet Mt Dew
12. Current worry right now? Election
13. Current hate right now? ???
14. Favorite place to be? with my family
15. Do you like to travel? Yes
16. What color shirt are you wearing? Green
17. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No!
18. Can you whistle? No.
19. Favorite color? Green
20. If you could, would you be a pirate? No, that is illegal.
21. What song do you sing in the shower? Hymns
22. Favorite girl's name? Grace
23. Favorite boy's name? Carson
24. What's in your pocket right now? I am in my pockets
25. Favorite bedsheets as a child? Strawberry Shortcake
26. Worst injury? broken ankle, broken leg, torn nerves, broken collarbone...all in a wreck.
27. Do you love where you live? Yes.
28. How many TVs do you have in your house? two
29. Who is your loudest friend? ???
30. How many pets do you have? one dog we claim, two cats that claim our yard.
31. Does someone have a crush on you? It's way past crush...I think he loves me.
32. What is your Favorite Book? Redeeming Love
33. What's your favorite candy? anything chocolate and mint
34. Favorite Sports Team? Bearcats (my son's team)
35. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Morning, already?
What's in a name??? part 2
Two name changes in the New Testament have always fascinated me. One is in Acts 13. After the dramatic conversion of Saul on the Damascus Road, he is totally changed. In Acts 13, the local church in Antioch is fasting and praying and the Holy Spirit tells them to "set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work I have called them to." They fasted, prayed and layed hands on them, and sent them off. In the first trip they go on, they encounter a sorcerer. The Holy Spirit fills Saul and rebukes the sorcerer. That is the last time he is called Saul. From then on, he is Paul. Please read this for yourself and see what all this name change is about.
Simon, a friend to Jesus, is given a name change from the moment Jesus meets him. In John 1:41, Jesus calls him Cephas, an Aramaic name corresponding to the Greek Petros, which means "a mass of rock detached from the living rock." We call him Peter. Although Jesus never calls him Peter. I could go on and on with the story of Peter. He was a rash, unreliable, and arrogant man. But Jesus had given him a new name. Peter goes through many thing, and denies Jesus. But Jesus had given him a new name. Peter has an encounter with the resurrected Jesus in John 21:15-19, that changes him inwardly. Could there be something to this new name? Then we see Peter on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Please read this sermon. This is Peter living up to the new name. Boldly preaching the gospel and becoming the rock that Jesus told him he would be.
So, what about your name? Is it the one that you know, that your parents gave you? Do you see part of God's plan in how you were named? Or, is it the name that you don't know yet....the one Jesus has given you in Revelation 2:17....that no one else know...that one that you will live up to.
Trying, through Christ, to live up to my name,
Consecrated to God
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What's in a name???? part 1
Uh-oh quoting Shakespeare, what is she up to now!!
Names...we all have them. We were given one or two at birth, added a surname and some of us later added a married name. Then there are the nicknames we get...."Honey, Sweetie, Mommy" or shortened versions of our name. In my home, my youngest son calls my older son "Bubba," that's his brother and that's what he calls him. I like it. It reminds them of the relationship God put them in.
So, what about your name. I have had issue with mine at times. I distictly remember that in fifth grade there were five girls named "Lisa" in my class. So then, I was "Lisa R." When I was a sophomore in high school, we moved and I changed high schools. I seriously thought of going by my middle name. Believe it or not, I was a quiet and sjy girl, did not make friends easily and thought if I changed my name when I changed schools it would help me change. I was so shy that I would not even go ask for ketchup at McDonald's! But, we see I didn't change it. But, God did start changing me. He began to help me open up more. He opened my mouth, and I don't think it has closed much since then.
If you have ever had to name a child, you know it can be hard, especially when you start to think about what a name means. I didn't thnk about that a lot with my boys (sorry to admit). My husband and I did not agree on a lot of names. He likes traditional names, I like different names(throwback to being one of five Lisa's). We got to "L" in the name book before we agreed, and that is how my first son was named. But it is fun to find out what your name means. We don't think about it often in modern times. But maybe we should.
My name means "Consecrated to God". Whoa--a lot to live up to! Promised and set apart for God. That is the name I want to live up to. I still struggle with wanting to be a quiet loner---SHOCKING I KNOW! But, God has placed in me a passion for Him. My friend says that God did not give me this mouth and not want it used for Him. I could talk all day about God, His love, His mercy, His WORD, and the life changing things He has done for me. Normally, when I talk I use my mother used to say that if you tied my hands behind my back, I couldn't talk. But when I start talking about Him, or His Word, my whole body gets involved. Ask my Bible study gals! I don't understand it...but maybe it is the living up to my name. Set apart for Him....when I let Him takeover, I live up to it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tag! I'm it!
THE RULES:* Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.* Share 7 little known facts about yourself on your blog.* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Anyway, here goes...
1. I am scared of frogs...can't stand them...bad childhood memories. This is hilarious to you if you know my bug/reptile/amphibian crazy boys.
2. I desperately wanted to go to Mars Hill College. God had other plans, but I still get a little sad about it. Two of my friends' husbands went there and I like them even more because of it!!!
3. I love history (this is not little known, if you really know me). How God works throughout time is amazing!
4. I like going to the gym. Finding the time can be the trouble.
5. I am an awful athlete. I had really bad asthma as a child. I could never participate in PE class, and never learned the skills.
6. I went to not one, but two Richard Marx concerts in high school. I don't know if I should share that or not!
7. I used to sing all the time in church growing up. I remember doing solos and singing in groups. I had sinus surgery in my early 20's and my voice has never been the same. I still love to sing in the choir, and am shocked when I open my mouth and hear the voice that comes out. I still expect the old one to be there.
Well, that's it. I don't think there are any earth shattering revelations, but I fulfilled the requirements.
I tag:
I don't know anybody else with a blog!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
High winds, deep roots
My friends at church have been after me to update the blog. I am soooo sorry that I have not been keeping up. Since our school year has started, and I have been obedient to the early waking hour the Lord called me to (see post called "Methought I heard a voice cry"), I am exhausted at night and have been too tired to think of something to say.
Right now, the wind is blowing very hard. I am watching all the trees out the window, as they dance in the wind. We listen for "CRRRRRRACK!" in this kind of weather. With a 107-year-old house, and even older trees, it can make you a little nervous. I keep thinking, that these trees have seen many storms, and as long as the roots are strong, they can make it through.
We made that analogy in Bible study this past week. We were talking about how God, basically, puts your "spiritual muscles" through a workout now, to get you ready for the real work in the future. I had always heard it said that the strongest trees are the ones that have made it through the toughest storms. But it has a lot to do with the roots.
I want strong roots for my children. Roots that do not give way when the storms of life have them twisting and turning. Of course the best way I know how to do this is a personal relationship with Jesus and a love for the Word of God. We can all tell our children all day how important it is to talk to God, to read His Word, to live like Jesus and to love others, but talk can only get you so far. You will have children with shallow roots. Kids catch on fast to parents that talk one thing and live another, especially when life brings storms.
The best thing I can do for my children is to live out my faith in front of them, the good and the bad of my life. When life is good, they see me praise God for who He is. When life is bad, they see me praise God for who He is. When good things happen, they see me lean on Him. When bad things happen, they see me lean on Him. In all things, they see me look to His Word for guidance.
My older son is a Christian. He accepted the Lord and was baptized this past Christmas Eve. God has begun a good work in him, and is faithful to complete it.
My younger son. He has to quote "Jesus loves me" for his AWANA class. He says "Jesus brother."
He does like to carry his Bible to church.
We all have to start somewhere.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gone but not forgotten..........
I got up this morning and turned on the News to see what they were doing in rememberance of that horrible day...........................nothing.
All the networks were going on with programming as usual. FoxNews Channel did have coverage and MSNBC was airing the tapes from that day, but nothing on any other channel.
My oldest son got up and he watched with me. This is the first year I have let him. I explained it all to him as we watched it. He wanted to know why people would help to hide the person that organized all of this. A hard question to answer. It was a morning full of hard questions.
I called my dad, the newsaholic, to ask if he had seen any more coverage. Sadly, no he had not.
Have people forgotten? Or does it still upset them and they just pretend it didn't happen? Or do they not care? I don't have an answer.
I had to explain to my son about people not liking the United States, but this is my explanation...
The idea of freedom is nothing that the United States came up with. It is from God. This idea of freedom is what upsets people. They want to force others into their way of thinking through hatred and death. The problem is not with them and the US. The problem is with them and God's idea of freedom. Our nation's founders based the nation on God's principles, and now we have to defend those ideas.
We remember.
"With great price, obtained I this freedom." Acts 22:28
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
One hand in the air, one on the wheel!!!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008
God Gave the Song
Monday, September 8, 2008
School Days, School Days.......

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
My annual review


Monday, August 25, 2008
That's as much as I remember. I know that there is more, something about "through all the world", but I just can't remember it. I will Google it later.
A post about Jello, I really have lost writing inspiration, huh? No. It will make sense.
I have told you that I have been planning lately. I took a picture of my desk to post, but I am ashamed to do such. I have my lesson plans, chore charts, menu plans, and all sorts of charts and lists spread over my desk. We leave for vacation this week and I want it all clean before I leave.
This is where you can help me. You will actually have to comment. I know I have a lot of lurkers and readers, but I need recipes.
I have made a two week menu plan that I will rotate. Since we are home all day, I have planned three meals a day and desserts on a couple of nights. I have looked up homemade pizza crust recipes (whole wheat), pancake mixes (whole wheat and oatmeal), and lots of other nutritious budget friendly recipes. I have picky eaters and I try to get as much good food in them as I can.
This is where your recipes can help.
As a child of the '70s, I have a love for congealed salads. My friend at church makes the best cranberry congealed salad you have ever eaten (and Key Lime cake too!....and chicken salad!) The only Jello recipe I know is to put fruit in it. So, please come to my rescue. I have empty spots on the menu plan, and that will not do.
I am looking for Jello side dishes or desserts. Or if you have a family favorite side dish. Or a homemade "mix" recipe, bring them on.
See where it says "comments", click on that and give me a recipe.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
There's no place like home........



Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It's always something!

He was playing "Hide-n-Seek" on Sunday night at church. He fell in some uneven grass and landed face first on the sidewalk. The other boys came running to get me saying that he was bleeding all over the place. We had a nurse at the church take a look and make sure we didn't need stitches and nothing was broken. Praise the Lord, it was just bad scrapes. I was worried about a broken nose or broken teeth.
This week was our checkup with the broken collarbone with my other son. The doctor walked in and asked me what in the world was going on at my house. I said, "Two boys, it's always something!"
I know there is something to learn. Once again, we were blessed with an injury that we can watch God heal. Just to sit and think about how God has made our bodies, it is amazing! The instant the bleeding stops, the body has begun healing. We are wonderfully made. (Psalm 139) I think we go through our daily lives without thinking about all that goes on in our bodies. To think that all these complex systems and genetic codes just happened by chance is ridiculous. The more I learn about how the body works, especially on the cellular level, the more I am awestruck by the Design and the Designer.
We are amazed as we watch God heal both the boys. He is the Great Physician.
"For I am the LORD who heals you." Exodus 15:26
Saturday, August 16, 2008
What a Wonderful World


We have been blessed in our home to have the radio dramas made by Vision Forum. These dramas are called Jonathan Park. It is a series of audio adventures about a boy whose dad is a Christian "Indiana Jones". These have taught us a lot about Creation science and the false ideas of evolution. My sons both love to listen to them. We have to ration out the programs, or they would listen all day long. I thought that taking my oldest son to hear the lecture would be good reinforcement of what he has learned.
We arrived early and found seats. As we were sitting down, two women came and sat behind us and began talking to each other. They were sisters. One had brought the other to hear the information, kicking and screaming. I think the one sister is what would be called a "Theistic Evolutionist", basically she thought that God created through evolution. The other sister was atheist or agnostic and a devout evolutionist. As they began talking, I could hear them trying to find a concordance in the pew Bible so they could find verses on evolution. They wanted to know how evolution fit into the Bible. I wondered if I should try and talk to them. I knew this might get very interesting.
As the speaker began, I could hear the one sister mumbling and talking about all the lies the speaker was telling. My son leaned over and said, "Mom, I think that woman thinks that evolution is true." I told him that she did.
I noticed that her body language changed throughout the night. Early in the evening, she laid back in the pew and had her arms crossed, clearly angry. Later, she began jotting down the "lies" he was telling. At the end, she was leaning forward, listening intently. At the end, when the speaker took questions, I was ready to witness a showdown.
We left as he was taking questions, she had not asked anything or challenged him yet.
I will wonder about these women. Did they hear the truth, or did they close their hearts because of preconceived notions? Should I have talked them before, or were they not ready? What happened after I left? Did they realize that it is important that they believe the truth?
We don't realize how this certain belief invades our everyday choices. We don't realize how it has invaded and changed society. I, for one, will make sure that my children know the truth, and can defend it.
When we left the event, I asked my son, "What did you learn?" He said, "I learned more about evolution and how it can not be true. I learned that there are people that would rather believe in that than have to answer to God, like that woman. That is sad."
"Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." 1 Peter 3:15
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Macbeth, scene I
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Look's like we made it!!

Pictures! Broadband!
I was talking with my friend last week about the dial-up dilemma. She told me that I needed to check with my wireless provider, it might be possible to get access with them.
Well, she was right! I talked to my wireless provider and found out I could get broadband access through a USB modem for my desktop computer. We went today and got it!
I wanted to post this picture of my boys. I love it. It says a lot about them and their relationship. .
Also, to those that were having problems posting a comment, I think I have it fixed. Try and leave a comment now, you should be able to.
I am off to watch the Olympics! Go Michael Phelps!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Seems like old times
Well, it is addicting. It is fun, and hard to describe unless you get on there. You can control who has access to your information by making “friends”. A lot of my “friends” are the youth from my church. My husband works with the youth and a lot of the parents are friends of mine. They don’t email anymore, they write on your “facebook wall.” And of course, the goal for the youth is to get a lot of friends.
It is also interesting, too. I contacted a friend from my childhood. We were friends in preschool, elementary school, middle school, and part of high school until I moved during my sophomore year. I remember going home from school with her in Kindergarten, sleepovers, and birthday parties. Every picture from my childhood birthday parties had her in it. And yet, I have not really had contact with her in about 20 years-- can I be that old??
It brings back memories from middle school, and who wants to remember middle school. I can close my eyes and be that girl again, with all those feelings coming like it was yesterday. Middle school is not fun for a smart, overweight, and shy girl. It is a hard time when you gain new friends, but lose those from childhood. A time when being popular and outside appearances mean more to people than values and feelings. And then it happens again in high school. I don’t miss those days.
But today, am I much different? Yes and no.
No, I am the same nerdy girl with the constant battle with my weight. I still feel shy at times, and could easily hide out in my house and not contact people. I want to be liked. Battles that rage 20 years later.
Yes, in that I am comfortable with being who God created me to be. He made me with a love for learning. He created a passion in me for His Word. He opened my mouth for me to use it for Him. He created me to be a wife and mother, to care for the gifts He has given me- my husband and my children. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and my soul rejoices in that! (Psalm 139) I know now to believe God and His Word about who I am, and not my own feelings. (Psalm 146:5-6)
Lessons, they never end.
I did get rid of the perm.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
We interrupt this summer.............

My four year old son loves to play with his brother. They played a little too hard last week at my parents’ house. We thought he pulled a muscle in his arm. He was favoring the other arm, and would complain when you would pick him up.
Yesterday, I was planning on taking the boys to the pool. I was getting him dressed when he complained about his arm. This time, I noticed a knot on his collarbone. Having had a broken collarbone before, I knew this was not good.
I was absolutely hysterical. How could I have let him go around with a broken bone? What kind of mother am I? Then, worrying they would think I am a bad mom and call social services.
We made an appointment with the doctor and headed over. The doctor took a look and knew that his collarbone was broken, but wanted to get x-rays to make sure the shoulder was okay. If the shoulder was the problem too, then we were looking at having surgery with an orthopedic.
We went and had the x-rays. It was just the collarbone. He is now wearing a wonderful sling to hold his shoulders back to let the bone heal properly. I told him that the sling would hold his broken bone together while God fixed it.
The worst part of the day, me getting hysterical. Did I think that God did not know about this ? Did I think He was not taking care of my son?
God did take care of it all. My son was calm and cooperative. The doctors, nurses, x-ray tech, and people in the waiting rooms all commented on how good he was. They said that most kids would be screaming and trying to get away, especially when they put the sling on him. But God was with him, giving him peace.
My wonderful friends at church had been made aware and were praying. I asked them to pray for him to be calm. God answered those prayers. I need to remember the calmness and peace I saw in my child, and try to learn from it..
There is always a lesson in everything in life. God teaches us His truths through our daily lives. We need to pay attention and learn.
I wonder what my next lesson will be.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Home Sweet Home, part 3
My husband and I felt a call to change churches. We had a friend entering the ministry and he received his call for his first church, and God had placed it in our hearts to go with him. This changed our lives dramatically.
The combination of homeschooling and our church change was a lesson from God. I learned to daily seek Him as never before. I needed His strength to carry me through. I learned that true worship and prayer is a personal experience with God, not all in a worship service. I saw God move in lives and in a church as I never had before. I was on the front row seat to see the hand of God at work in my life. Because I was paying attention. I could write pages about what God taught me and my family that first year. I can truly say that I am not the same person I was before, and praise Him for that!
Our first year homeschooling adventure was amazing. It still makes me tear up, thinking that I almost missed the blessing. It was not about formal education at all. It was about our family and a life of learning. I am glad that I obeyed.
As we enter our fourth year, I get excited to think of all the “plans” we have. We have a big year with new curriculum. We are studying Creation and Ancient Civilizations, and have big field trips planned. But what most excites me are the plans that I don’t know about. The plans that God has for this year and what He will be teaching us are far better than any I could ever come up with.
I will let you know what I learn.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Home Sweet Home, part 2
When I started thinking about homeschooling, it started scaring me. Not the school part, which is really odd. I did not have a problem with the teaching and learning. I am a nerd, as I have said before. I know that a classroom is not needed for learning. True education never starts or stops, it is an ongoing lifetime process. I was comfortable with that. I did not want to give up MY life or MY time. Public school was sounding better.
The neighborhood we were living in was starting to have issues. The house was too big, and the pool was a lot of worry/money/work. We put our house up for sale and moved to another county. We were in a neighborhood with a brand new school as our school. I thought, “I’ll send him there.” During this time, we had another child. Our oldest was in a church preschool, and I was really happy with it. It was a preschool that focused on fun and being a child, not “academics” (believe me, we looked at one that pushed academics for three year olds!)
During his last year of preschool, God started dealing with me and my disobedience. It was like Jonah. God gave him instructions, and he hopped in a boat and went the other way. God told me through many Scriptures what he wanted me to do. I was convicted and willingly chose to ignore it. Why? Because the “What about me?”-ness of society. I was listening to others and not to God. The people that said to me, “How can you be with your kids all day, and not have time for you?” “I could never do that, I don’t get along with my kids, they wouldn’t listen to me” I believed them and not God. That was Eve’s problem, she believed the serpent and not God.
I prayed and decided the best course of action was to believe God, and ignore the others. He would take care of me. (Romans 8:28) He would carry the load. (1 Peter 5:7) And it was about time I learned how to die to self, it is not about me. (Galatians 2:20)
So, we were about to start our first year of school. I was not prepared for the education I would receive.
To be concluded……………………
Monday, August 4, 2008
Home Sweet Home, part 1
Some of you may not know any homeschoolers, some may know me but not understand it, or you may be a homeschooler yourself and you need encouragement, and I hope I can give it to you. Just as each family and home is special and unique, such is each homeschool. Each home has a story of how God has placed them on this journey, and why they feel called into this ministry. This is our story. You may not agree with it, but it is ours.
I remember beginning to wonder about school for our oldest when he was a baby. We had the idea that he would go to the private school at our church. I would get my teaching certificate and try to teach there when he started school. I began substitute teaching there when he was a baby. I learned a lot about school while I was there. I was asked to work the maternity leave for the elementary art teacher. This was just two days a week for three months. I arranged childcare with a friend, and took the job. I had my answer after the first month. The discussions at the first and second grade lunch tables! The idea that friends come before family! The idea that what ever the teacher said was so, even if it was wrong! And this was all under the fourth grade level. What was going to happen now!
I began to do what I do best, research. I looked at education in general and different philosophies. I looked at types of schools and the history of schools. I looked at learning styles, teaching styles, and standardized testing. I looked at what God said about education. All of this research led me to research homeschooling. I then had a surprising conversation with my parents. I was over at their house and my dad asked me “Have you ever thought about homeschooling? I know a fireman and his wife and that is what they do. You would be good at it.” I told him that we were thinking about it and I was looking into it.
The year my oldest turned two, I went to the state homeschool conference in Winston Salem. I had many objectives. I wanted to see other homeschoolers, I did not know any. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t have to wear denim jumpers, grind my own wheat, and not cut/color my hair (those are all myths!) I wanted to see what all was “out there.” I was surprised to run into people I knew from church. I was also able to hear speakers on different subjects. This helped turn this decision from a head decision to a heart decision. It also led me to pray a lot more!
We were going to be homeschoolers! That is, until I decided to run from God…….to be continued…….
Friday, August 1, 2008
Dial-up Dilemma
We moved last year. It is a wonderful 107 year old house on two acres out in the country. My boys absolutely love it. I do too. To be the talkative and social person that I am, I surprisingly like not having neighbors. We have “country neighbors”, there if you need them. The cattle farmer that owns the land behind us is wonderful. His son farms with him. They ride through the fields and if they see us, they will stop and talk. They are there if we need them and wonderful people. They identify snakes for this city girl, and even don’t laugh at me when I want to watch them cut and bale hay. They even bring me produce!
It takes some getting used to, living in an old house. Nothing is level. But that’s okay, it’s called character. The darkness out here surprised me too. The first night in the house I looked outside and could see nothing-pitch black. The power company has a light out there now. Had to have some light. We do live on a busy street though. Half the city uses it as a shortcut to the beach. We have hopes that the new bypass will cut down the traffic.
All that said, we are back to the dial up dilemma. We have no DSL, no broadband, no road runner, no option! We have satellite TV service, but I can’t bring myself to pay for internet through them. It is highway robbery. There is another satellite internet service I am looking into, so we will see.
Those that have left the dial up world for greener pastures, you forget all the issues:
I have taken some great pictures with the new camera. I tried to upload one onto the blog, and the internet crashed. I tried to email a picture, and it was going to take 30 minutes to upload the picture!
No YouTube. Don’t even try to send me a funny/serious/heart warming video. I can’t watch it.
And forget about looking at “fancy” websites. I can never get them loaded.
All this is funny, but it is seriously frustrating when I need to download articles or MP3 files for homeschooling. I just can’t do it. We have downloaded some files in the night, since it ties up my phone line and takes 2 hours to do.
So, do you have any advice…..what other options do I have? Really, tell me.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I had a date!!
I took my oldest son to see a movie today, just the two of us. The movie was a little too adventurous for my younger son, he gets scared very easily, and he stayed with my parents. As we were walking into the theater, I noticed how tall my son is getting. I am 5’4”, and he comes up to my shoulder. Pretty tall for an eight year old, I think in the next two years he will catch up to me. He was excited to be at the theater and then to know that he could get popcorn and a drink!! He could hardly wait for the movie to start.
As we sat in the theater, we were talking about different things before the movie started. We were the only people in the theater until the previews started. All sorts of things were going through my mind…happy thoughts, sad thoughts, and lots of things in between.
I was happy to be with him. We don’t often have times with just the two of us. It was a time when I could just enjoy him, and I did. I enjoyed that he would still hold my hand walking in the mall. I enjoyed that he would talk to me and ask me lots of questions, as always! I enjoyed looking at him and seeing the man he will someday be. I almost told him that he was a good date, but he still thinks that kind of stuff is yucky and I didn’t want to spoil it!
I was sad, too. I was seeing the man that he will someday be. We are working so hard during these years that God gives us with him, to help him be the man that God created him to be. It is a little bittersweet to get a glimpse of it though.
I even thought of Proverbs 31. This proverb, in the original language, is an acrostic poem. Lemuel’s mother taught it to him to help him remember the traits of a godly wife. I am sure they are God inspired, or they would not appear in our Scripture. What kind of “words of wisdom” will my sons remember from me? I hope they will remember the Word of the Lord that I try to teach them. I hope they will remember that I tried to daily seek Him and His will for my life. I hope they will see me strive to be a godly wife and mother. I hope they will look for this in their future wives.
A lot of thinking for a dark movie theater.
When we got to my parents to pick up my other son, my dad was not there, he had gone to the store. My mom was inside with my younger son and my nephew. With my dad’s car missing, my son said, “I better get in to help Gi, she will have her hands full in there!” I told him that I think she could handle it, but it blessed my heart that he wanted to help.
It was a good day. It was a great date. I can’t wait for the next one.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Please don't give up on me!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Christmas in July!
It’s July, right?? Yes, but I ran across an email I wrote during the “Twelve Days of Christmas” and thought I would share it as a “Christmas in July” post.
The Twelve Days of Christmas actually begin on Christmas and end on January 5, Epiphany--or Three Kings Day. It is thought that the “Twelve Days of Christmas” song was a secret code song written during the persecution of the Catholic Church in England.
Day four of the song is the four calling birds’ day. According to the code, we celebrate that “my true love” (God) gave to us the four calling birds (the four gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Aren’t we glad He did!!
Consider the impact of the Gospel on the world, and personally in your own life. I thought about this last week. If it was up to me, and thankfully it wasn’t, I may have ordered them differently. Would I have put John first, to begin the New Testament with “In the beginning was the Word.” just like the Old Testament begins “In the beginning God created…?” Or would I have begun with Mark, whose gospel read like a screenplay--very action oriented--who starts with quoting Malachi and has John the Baptist in the wilderness preparing the way of the Lord. Mark writes the fulfillment of prophecy from 400 years earlier at the end of the Old Testament. Or would I have chosen Luke, the “investigative reporter”. His gospel was based on eyewitness testimony and was meant for a very wide audience, to convince them that what they had heard about Jesus was true.
But God chose Matthew to begin the New Testament. Through His sovereignty, He chose the canon of New Testament scripture to begin with Matthew. Was this because Matthew cited so many Old Testament prophecies that were only fulfilled in Jesus? Was it because of the clear presentation that Jesus is the Messiah? I don’t know. I do know that each of the gospels is special in the God-breathed words that we read today. They each give us the Word of God.
And after you read them--your life can never be the same.
Thank your True Love for the four calling birds.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
One small step..................
The next words he says are not found in the official recording, but can be found in many places online. If you saw the landing, you may remember hearing the words on the live telecast.
According to the scientific data, the moon should be covered with moon dust in very thick layers. The lunar module was actually built on stilts to land in all the dust. The astronauts were told to be prepared to sink in the moon dust when they walked. The moon was supposed to be covered in millions of years of dust, but it wasn't. Armstrong was surprised when he stepped on solid ground. What did this mean? How old was the moon? How did it get there? Where did they make the mistakes?
"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day." Genesis 1:16-19
Saturday, July 19, 2008
In the beginning........
The first verse of Genesis, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”, is a key verse to me. In order to BELIEVE the first verse of John, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”, the logic follows that you must believe the other verse. I did not realize that I did not BELIEVE that for years. I was trying to change the truth of the Bible to fit “science”. I realized that I was trying to discount a first hand description of creation. God wrote it-inspired it-and He was there. This is a subject close to my heart. If you are interested, just ask, and I will tell you how God showed me the error of my way of thinking. I am thankful to be one of God’s creations and under His authority. It makes my life much easier to live when I know I must be obedient to Him.
I am trusting that you will take a new look at Genesis. I have mentioned before that I love the Old Testament--I love the New Testament too--that I think we “gloss over” it and view it as children’s Bible stories. While there are many people that our children should know, and know how God was faithful to them, there is a lot to learn for all ages in there. Through the Beth Moore study of The Patriarchs, I came to know, love, dislike, be disappointed by, rejoice with and cry with these chosen founders of the faith. We came to see the DYSFUNCTION in families, the tragic situations, and the very opposite of “children’s stories”. I know I felt sorry for Rachel, made her my favorite “wife” and then got disappointed in her for scheming. I got mad at the brothers for their treatment of Joseph, and then was sad when the consequences changed their lives, and rejoiced as they became the “band of brothers”. I loved Joseph, and then realized be was a brat!
I think this has been the lesson for me, that this is how God wants us to see them. The Bible is the inspired word of God. He wrote the book. He told us this stuff, all the “dirty laundry”. It helps us to see us in them. We can feel the hopelessness of Leah, as her life was not what she thought it would be, and many ladies can feel it personally. We can feel the “control issues” of Rebekah, as she wants to “help” God, and once again, many of us know firsthand. There is hope in seeing the human frailties of the Patriarchs. God used them, and their weaknesses, for His purposes. He can use us too. And most of all, through their weaknesses, we see the strength of El Elyon--the Most High.
Genesis is the book of beginnings. It is the book of how God created us, and showed us the need for a Redeemer. It is the beginning of our faith. And it shows us that through it all, HE IS FAITHFUL!!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Designer Clothes!
I am a window shopper. I could look at lots of things, and not really buy much. I believe in sales, with prices in red and an extra 40% percent off of that. And if you use your 30-60-90 card, you get an extra 15% off. I have in my mind what I am willing to pay and will not pay more. I do have some black pants that I wear to church that cost me $1.98!! Now that is a deal. If I don’t get a deal, I just won’t buy.
If you are from around this area, you probably know the store that I frequent from the descriptions. The other day I was discussing with a friend my shopping at this store. I can look through racks of sale clothing and come away with a hand full to try on. I will guarantee you that each of the items is from a certain designers line. She owns many different clothing lines, but all are under her main line. It is funny to me. I can spot a shirt I like and say “That is so-and-so, I like her stuff!”
How did I end up with all the same labels? Did they all start out as the same shirt and turn into something different by spending time on the rack? Or was it because the same designer had designed them all, and part of her showed in all of them?
Behind this story is the lie that evolution wants us to believe. The reason that the DNA of animals and humans are so similar is that they all came from the same one cell organism that came out of primordial ooze. The line of logic that follows that idea proves itself to be false. We could discuss the ideas of macro evolution, punctuated equilibrium, and Chaos theory, but we won’t. It is not true.
Could it be as simple as it seems? The reason the DNA is similar is……..the Designer. Could one Master Designer have designed and created it all!
I told you, not your same old fashion post!
“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16-17
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Doctor is in.
When my oldest was a baby and toddler, I was a part of a mothers group at a church. This is where I got my bad advice. We had a speaker one month that was talking to us about the stresses of motherhood. I still remember her telling us “To stop worrying about missing your quiet time, sometimes life happens.” It was the worst advice ever. I didn’t know it at the time, but I do now after the damage.
Life, for all of us, can get crazy at times. You can be a mother of small children, a mother home schooling her children, a full time working woman, a full time student, a retired woman, and I would dare say even a man and have a crazy life. The craziness just changes.
It was during the craziness of diapers, feedings, and looking for adult conversation that I received my bad advice. Whew! What a load off, I didn’t have to worry about the quiet time being checked off the list, God would understand. I didn’t need to feel guilty about it anymore. The problems were just beginning. Not worrying about it one day turns into a week and into a month and into a year. Could I look back on a year and count how many quiet times I had? I would try again and repeat the cycle over and over. It would continue until God taught me some lessons.
Here is what I learned……… is not about a checklist. When you begin to miss a quiet time, you see the need for it. It is not about 1. Read a Bible verse, check 2. Pray, check, check 3. Check it off the list, check, check, check. It is discovering the Words your Creator wrote for you. It is talking to the all-powerful, loving God about the love He shows us, the life He gave us, and how He wants us to live that life. It is the process of knowing God and becoming more like His Son. It is knowing that you can’t live a day without Him. These are the blessings that come from a relationship with the Most High.
Now, who is to blame for all those missed blessings? The speaker, for giving bad advice that she thought young mothers needed. Or was it the mothers group for letting someone give unbiblical advice to a group of impressionable young women. Or should I blame the church. Ultimately, the blame belongs to me. I knew when I heard it that it was bad advice, but since it came from a speaker I thought it was true. I can not blame anyone else for my own sin.
We are all in different places in our spiritual walk with the Lord. The wonderful thing about Him is that He meets us where we are. He was there every morning when I wasn’t. He is there waiting for you now.
Go and meet Him, I am sure it will be a wonderful conversation.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Cloudy, with a chance of............
My sister was working that day in 2005 when she called me. She thought she might be going into labor. She was going to call her doctor when she got off the phone with me. My parents called me a little later and said her water broke at work and she was on the way to the hospital. He was coming two weeks early, which is so unlike his mother, who does not know the word early.
Early caught everyone off guard. She had not planned to stop working yet, so all her appointments had to be rescheduled. I could not get to the hospital , because I had no one to keep the kids. The nursery was not done. The baby clothes had not been washed. Nothing.
He ended up coming by c-section, and I was able to make it to the hospital in time. Red hair, full lips, and blue eyes. He looked just like his mother. He still does. (With a glint of mischief in his eyes from his dad!) But, no name. They still had not picked a name.
There were more surprises to come. A major infection for my sister. Two more surgeries and home health care would follow for weeks. She had to go back into the hospital and the baby stayed with my parents. I would go and help. After that, due to her husband’s work schedule, she and the baby stayed with my parents and we took care of her. It was a long road.
Most of the major events in our lives were surprises to us. We can plan as much as we want, but in the end it is God’s plan that is followed. We will someday know why God planned things the way He did. Now, we have to trust in Him and His ways. “For I know the plans I have for you, plans for your good, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 139 is a chapter that is thought of a lot with babies. How God plans us and knits us in our mothers womb. The last verses are what I pray for my nephew on his third birthday. “Search me, God, and know my heart…..lead me in the everlasting way.”
I took my boys to see him the next day. My oldest asked his name. I told him that he did not have one yet. He said, “His name is Cloudy, since it is cloudy outside today.” We started calling him that, and kept calling him that, even after he was given a name. It seems to fit him.
Happy Birthday, Cloudy! We love you!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Ahh…..the sounds of playing children echo through the house.
The US Army has nothing on motherhood. “The hardest job you’ll ever love!” I think they stole the motto from a mom. The hard thing about raising a child is the delayed and intangible results. God is using me to shape these little boys into future men. It is not as much about the children they are today, as the adults they will be in the future. I am thankful that my boss, God, has given me the guidelines, the Bible, to carry me through this endeavor.
In recent years, God has created a hunger for His Word in me. (That will be a subject of another post on another day!) This has changed parenting. It has helped me to point the way to the final authority, God. It lets us show our children a God that cares about everything in our lives. It shows God as He is, loving, merciful, and yet just and disciplining. Our oldest has some problems with fear, and when he has problems, I always ask “What does Joshua 1:9 tell us?” and he can quote it and tell you that there is no reason for fear, for God is always with us. I also point out, that God knew Joshua was scared or He would not have told him not to fear. Another example is the MEMEMEs! This is a battle right now. We need to think of others first. We are working on Matthew 20:25-28 right now. We need to learn to be a servant. It must be sinking in a little….my youngest came into the kitchen the other week and wanted a juice box. I told him he could get one out of the fridge. I watched as he walked back out, arms full of four juice boxes. He had taken one to his brother and cousins that were playing in another room. It might be something small, but it showed me his heart, that he was thinking of them.
Now, just so you don’t think I am preaching, I could write pages on things I have done wrong. I could not tell you how many times I have answered “Because I said so!” instead of taking the time to look at my children’s hearts. I am sure I have ignored things I should have dealt with, but I know they will come back again.
In case you didn’t know, God has a wonderful sense of humor. The exact behavior He is disciplining me over, He has me discipline my children over. He wants me to get the point…’s not pretty to act that way. The lesson He is trying to teach me, He does so through my children.
You see the lesson of “Me first” is a lesson of dying to self. The lesson He teaches me today and everyday…. Galatians 2:19-20 “For through the law I have died to the law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
I am not trying to stop a behavior from my boys; I am trying to change their hearts. God wants the same thing from me, my heart.