My friends at church have been after me to update the blog. I am soooo sorry that I have not been keeping up. Since our school year has started, and I have been obedient to the early waking hour the Lord called me to (see post called "Methought I heard a voice cry"), I am exhausted at night and have been too tired to think of something to say.
Right now, the wind is blowing very hard. I am watching all the trees out the window, as they dance in the wind. We listen for "CRRRRRRACK!" in this kind of weather. With a 107-year-old house, and even older trees, it can make you a little nervous. I keep thinking, that these trees have seen many storms, and as long as the roots are strong, they can make it through.
We made that analogy in Bible study this past week. We were talking about how God, basically, puts your "spiritual muscles" through a workout now, to get you ready for the real work in the future. I had always heard it said that the strongest trees are the ones that have made it through the toughest storms. But it has a lot to do with the roots.
I want strong roots for my children. Roots that do not give way when the storms of life have them twisting and turning. Of course the best way I know how to do this is a personal relationship with Jesus and a love for the Word of God. We can all tell our children all day how important it is to talk to God, to read His Word, to live like Jesus and to love others, but talk can only get you so far. You will have children with shallow roots. Kids catch on fast to parents that talk one thing and live another, especially when life brings storms.
The best thing I can do for my children is to live out my faith in front of them, the good and the bad of my life. When life is good, they see me praise God for who He is. When life is bad, they see me praise God for who He is. When good things happen, they see me lean on Him. When bad things happen, they see me lean on Him. In all things, they see me look to His Word for guidance.
My older son is a Christian. He accepted the Lord and was baptized this past Christmas Eve. God has begun a good work in him, and is faithful to complete it.
My younger son. He has to quote "Jesus loves me" for his AWANA class. He says "Jesus brother."
He does like to carry his Bible to church.
We all have to start somewhere.
Lisa, this is a great post and really spoke to my heart. I love the pictures too!
Thank you for the birthday wish and for your prayers for us!
Love this blog and the pics!!! When are you heading to MB again? We'll be in Holden Beach in 2 1/2 weeks...MUCH LOVE
it's great to see you again, though brief in the hall!!
i tagged you on my blog...go check it out. :)
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