Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home, part 2

Run from God, what do I mean?? I got scared.

When I started thinking about homeschooling, it started scaring me. Not the school part, which is really odd. I did not have a problem with the teaching and learning. I am a nerd, as I have said before. I know that a classroom is not needed for learning. True education never starts or stops, it is an ongoing lifetime process. I was comfortable with that. I did not want to give up MY life or MY time. Public school was sounding better.

The neighborhood we were living in was starting to have issues. The house was too big, and the pool was a lot of worry/money/work. We put our house up for sale and moved to another county. We were in a neighborhood with a brand new school as our school. I thought, “I’ll send him there.” During this time, we had another child. Our oldest was in a church preschool, and I was really happy with it. It was a preschool that focused on fun and being a child, not “academics” (believe me, we looked at one that pushed academics for three year olds!)

During his last year of preschool, God started dealing with me and my disobedience. It was like Jonah. God gave him instructions, and he hopped in a boat and went the other way. God told me through many Scriptures what he wanted me to do. I was convicted and willingly chose to ignore it. Why? Because the “What about me?”-ness of society. I was listening to others and not to God. The people that said to me, “How can you be with your kids all day, and not have time for you?” “I could never do that, I don’t get along with my kids, they wouldn’t listen to me” I believed them and not God. That was Eve’s problem, she believed the serpent and not God.

I prayed and decided the best course of action was to believe God, and ignore the others. He would take care of me. (Romans 8:28) He would carry the load. (1 Peter 5:7) And it was about time I learned how to die to self, it is not about me. (Galatians 2:20)

So, we were about to start our first year of school. I was not prepared for the education I would receive.

To be concluded……………………

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