Monday, November 24, 2008

Pluck it out!!

Are you a tweezer or wax girl?

Sorry any men reading, but stick with me..

I really didn't give it much thought until about the time I got married. I look back at my bridal portraits and cringe. It must have been some time after that when I first had my eyebrows waxed. It would take me years to tweeze them!

It is a personal preference. I would rather have lots of hair ripped out by the roots at one time, than to deal with each hair being plucked out at once. (Bless your heart if you are still reading!) And you have to stay on top of it too. You can be fine one day, and then look in the mirror and think those eyebrows are going to take over! So, do you pluck one out at a time before it gets too bad, or do you wait and have it all pulled out at once. Decisions, decisions.

So, when it comes time to deal with the sin in your life. How do you deal with it?

WHAT!! Yes, I am making the analogy, just go with me.....

When is the last time you took a look at your life through the lens of God's Word. Did you see some out of place things? Are there things in your life that keep it from being a life that glorifies God? Even if it is stuff that no one else knows about. He does.

I have lived most of my life as a Christian. I have spent the past couple of years dealing with the fact that I may not have been a Christian as long as I thought I had. My close friends have been with me through these long theological discussions. I have one friend I must continually annoy with the types of things I get her to discuss with me, but she sticks around anyway.

One of these ideas, is how have I allowed God to deal with sin in my life? I could tell you that 4 years ago, it would be let it go until I have to deal with it. My life was too much of the world. God decided to make me deal with it by ripping a lot out at one time. Ouch! Did it hurt! But, He had a plan that He needed me ready for, and my life needed "waxing". It was not a fun process, but it was worth it.

Since then, I have taken the "tweezer" approach to sin in my life. Pluck it out! When I have something in my life that does not honor God, it is time to pluck it out.

So, are you watching something you shouldn't....pluck it out! Are you saying things you shouldn't....pluck it out! Are you WEARING things you shouldn't....pluck it out! I could go on, but you get the idea.

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21

Go get those tweezers!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lisa for this great and so true reminder. I just had a wax!
Continue using your 'voice' for the Lord!