Monday, August 25, 2008


Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle, smooth and fruity, Jello brand gelatin.

That's as much as I remember. I know that there is more, something about "through all the world", but I just can't remember it. I will Google it later.

A post about Jello, I really have lost writing inspiration, huh? No. It will make sense.

I have told you that I have been planning lately. I took a picture of my desk to post, but I am ashamed to do such. I have my lesson plans, chore charts, menu plans, and all sorts of charts and lists spread over my desk. We leave for vacation this week and I want it all clean before I leave.

This is where you can help me. You will actually have to comment. I know I have a lot of lurkers and readers, but I need recipes.

I have made a two week menu plan that I will rotate. Since we are home all day, I have planned three meals a day and desserts on a couple of nights. I have looked up homemade pizza crust recipes (whole wheat), pancake mixes (whole wheat and oatmeal), and lots of other nutritious budget friendly recipes. I have picky eaters and I try to get as much good food in them as I can.
This is where your recipes can help.

As a child of the '70s, I have a love for congealed salads. My friend at church makes the best cranberry congealed salad you have ever eaten (and Key Lime cake too!....and chicken salad!) The only Jello recipe I know is to put fruit in it. So, please come to my rescue. I have empty spots on the menu plan, and that will not do.

I am looking for Jello side dishes or desserts. Or if you have a family favorite side dish. Or a homemade "mix" recipe, bring them on.

See where it says "comments", click on that and give me a recipe.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

There's no place like home........

Dorothy's famous words. How often do we use them? Do you feel that way about your own home, or not?

We moved into this house at the end of June 2007. We knew when we moved in that there was a lot we wanted to do here and it would just take time. My dad gives me a hard time asking me why I bought an old house and want to make all these changes. I told him I like the 100 year old parts, it's just the 1970s lineoleum and pastels I am not fond of. I have an ongoing list of projects I want to work on, I am just waiting for the money tree in the back to sprout.
When we moved in last summer, I went through a phase wondering if we had made a mistake. I just did not feel at home. I felt anxious in my own home. I felt like I was living in someone else's house. It all came down to the paint, simple I know, but I had no idea how much it would help.

My husband went on a mission trip to Mexico and told me I could have some of the rooms painted while he was gone. We have very high ceilings and the main corridor of the house has the original wooden walls, so it was not a job I could tackle on my own. On top of that, all the walls in the house were painted in semi-gloss paint. Why, I do not know. Pink, yellow, turquoise, and seafoam are all pretty colors..........for an Easter egg. I was excited to get the walls painted.

I remember walking in when it was done, and letting out a big sigh of relief. It felt like it was mine.

Our living room has had some issues too. We played "musical rooms" when we moved in. The room they used for the bedroom is our office. The room they used for the living room is our bedroom. The room they used for the dining room is our living room. Confusing, I know. The living room (was their dining room) was painted a BRIGHT yellow. It has white tile on the floor. There was a pass through to the kitchen that was boarded up on the kitchen side, and a big open hole on the living room side. On top of that, we had too much furniture for the room. I could never relax in there.

We are almost there. My brother in law fixed the hole in the wall, you would never know it had been there. I painted the room just before Christmas. It was a technique from Lowe's called "Tuscan Accents", and I still love it. We sold the "too much furniture" on Craigslist last week. This week the new furniture came, and it feels like home. I still have to find curtains, and a rug. But we will have to wait on that money tree.

All this got me thinking. This is how I feel in the world, too. Not at home. Anxious. Like I don't belong. I long for the day when I will feel at home, and it will not be a couple of coats of paint that fix it. It will be my spirit finding it's eternal dwelling place, with my Father in heaven. Paul talks about it in 2 Corinthians 5, that we groan at where we are now, longing to put on our house from heaven. It will be home like we have never known...................There will be no place like Home.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's always something!

I know it has been a few days since I posted last. There is always something going on around here. So here is the latest..............

He was playing "Hide-n-Seek" on Sunday night at church. He fell in some uneven grass and landed face first on the sidewalk. The other boys came running to get me saying that he was bleeding all over the place. We had a nurse at the church take a look and make sure we didn't need stitches and nothing was broken. Praise the Lord, it was just bad scrapes. I was worried about a broken nose or broken teeth.

This week was our checkup with the broken collarbone with my other son. The doctor walked in and asked me what in the world was going on at my house. I said, "Two boys, it's always something!"

I know there is something to learn. Once again, we were blessed with an injury that we can watch God heal. Just to sit and think about how God has made our bodies, it is amazing! The instant the bleeding stops, the body has begun healing. We are wonderfully made. (Psalm 139) I think we go through our daily lives without thinking about all that goes on in our bodies. To think that all these complex systems and genetic codes just happened by chance is ridiculous. The more I learn about how the body works, especially on the cellular level, the more I am awestruck by the Design and the Designer.

We are amazed as we watch God heal both the boys. He is the Great Physician.

"For I am the LORD who heals you." Exodus 15:26

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a Wonderful World

Our local Christian radio station sponsored a free event last night. It was called "What a wonderful world". It was a lecture on Creation and Evolution. I thought that it would be a good outing for my oldest son and me.

We have been blessed in our home to have the radio dramas made by Vision Forum. These dramas are called Jonathan Park. It is a series of audio adventures about a boy whose dad is a Christian "Indiana Jones". These have taught us a lot about Creation science and the false ideas of evolution. My sons both love to listen to them. We have to ration out the programs, or they would listen all day long. I thought that taking my oldest son to hear the lecture would be good reinforcement of what he has learned.

We arrived early and found seats. As we were sitting down, two women came and sat behind us and began talking to each other. They were sisters. One had brought the other to hear the information, kicking and screaming. I think the one sister is what would be called a "Theistic Evolutionist", basically she thought that God created through evolution. The other sister was atheist or agnostic and a devout evolutionist. As they began talking, I could hear them trying to find a concordance in the pew Bible so they could find verses on evolution. They wanted to know how evolution fit into the Bible. I wondered if I should try and talk to them. I knew this might get very interesting.

As the speaker began, I could hear the one sister mumbling and talking about all the lies the speaker was telling. My son leaned over and said, "Mom, I think that woman thinks that evolution is true." I told him that she did.

I noticed that her body language changed throughout the night. Early in the evening, she laid back in the pew and had her arms crossed, clearly angry. Later, she began jotting down the "lies" he was telling. At the end, she was leaning forward, listening intently. At the end, when the speaker took questions, I was ready to witness a showdown.

We left as he was taking questions, she had not asked anything or challenged him yet.

I will wonder about these women. Did they hear the truth, or did they close their hearts because of preconceived notions? Should I have talked them before, or were they not ready? What happened after I left? Did they realize that it is important that they believe the truth?

We don't realize how this certain belief invades our everyday choices. We don't realize how it has invaded and changed society. I, for one, will make sure that my children know the truth, and can defend it.

When we left the event, I asked my son, "What did you learn?" He said, "I learned more about evolution and how it can not be true. I learned that there are people that would rather believe in that than have to answer to God, like that woman. That is sad."

"Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." 1 Peter 3:15

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Methought I heard a voice cry, sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep, — the innocent sleep;
Sleep, that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.
Macbeth, scene I

I like my sleep. I am not one of those people that can get by on a couple of hours. My husband can, I can not. You can tell if I don’t get enough sleep. I even feel nauseous if I don’t get enough. But I am becoming increasingly convicted that there is a huge difference between “enough” and too much.
During the summer, we have a very laid back life. I have children that need 10-11 hours of sleep, so they have been going to bed later and sleeping later. This leads to me sleeping later too since we had the summer off from school and all our activities. No lessons to get to, nor practice, nor Bible study to lead. No alarm clock.
I have bared my soul here enough for you to know my battle with self. Once again this is what I am dealing with. I had not realized what I had done until I heard a friend of mine speak at a homeschool conference. I had turned sleep into an idol. Talk about stepping on my toes, I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck!
By sleeping late, I am missing my quiet time ALONE with God. If I wait until the boys get up for me to get up, it throws my day off. I will have my quiet time, but it will not be the same. It will be interrupted with “Mom! He did…” “Mom, can I have???” “What’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack?” It hurts to think that I am telling God that I would rather sleep than spend my time alone with Him. Ouch!
It is an idol. Something I am putting before God. I would not be telling you this, if I did not think that someone reading this is possibly going through the same thing, but you don’t see it. But for you, it might not be sleep. It might be that TV show you could turn off to spend time with Him. It might be that book you are reading instead of the Word of God. It might be the computer. It might be exercise. Only you know.
In this conviction by the Holy Spirit, I have been led to the Bible, as always.
I am convicted by reading in Mark 14 of when Jesus goes to pray at Gethsemane and tells the disciples “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow- to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake.” He prays and returns to find them sleeping. “Couldn’t you stay awake one hour? Stay awake and pray so that you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And it happens again. And again. And then Jesus is betrayed. The last thing He asks them to do, and they fall asleep on the job. Sleep was more important to them. Ouch!! I am also convicted reading through the Psalms. “My voice will you hear, early in the morning….in the morning I will direct my prayer….joy cometh in the morning….sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning…” Do you see it?
It is getting better. I know I need a better plan. I like plans, not ruts, but plans. I am planning and praying. Planning for our new school year and starting our days off right. Praying for God to help me find the balance of “enough” sleep.
At least I don’t have Lady Macbeth’s sleep issues.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Look's like we made it!!

Pictures! Broadband!

I was talking with my friend last week about the dial-up dilemma. She told me that I needed to check with my wireless provider, it might be possible to get access with them.

Well, she was right! I talked to my wireless provider and found out I could get broadband access through a USB modem for my desktop computer. We went today and got it!

I wanted to post this picture of my boys. I love it. It says a lot about them and their relationship. .

Also, to those that were having problems posting a comment, I think I have it fixed. Try and leave a comment now, you should be able to.

I am off to watch the Olympics! Go Michael Phelps!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Seems like old times

I don’t know if any of you are on facebook or not. It is the social networking site that is much safer than the other site that was popular before. A couple of my friends at church are on it, and told me about it. Well, since I am trying to move into the 21st century and all, you know with a blog and a digital camera, I decided to give it a try.

Well, it is addicting. It is fun, and hard to describe unless you get on there. You can control who has access to your information by making “friends”. A lot of my “friends” are the youth from my church. My husband works with the youth and a lot of the parents are friends of mine. They don’t email anymore, they write on your “facebook wall.” And of course, the goal for the youth is to get a lot of friends.

It is also interesting, too. I contacted a friend from my childhood. We were friends in preschool, elementary school, middle school, and part of high school until I moved during my sophomore year. I remember going home from school with her in Kindergarten, sleepovers, and birthday parties. Every picture from my childhood birthday parties had her in it. And yet, I have not really had contact with her in about 20 years-- can I be that old??

It brings back memories from middle school, and who wants to remember middle school. I can close my eyes and be that girl again, with all those feelings coming like it was yesterday. Middle school is not fun for a smart, overweight, and shy girl. It is a hard time when you gain new friends, but lose those from childhood. A time when being popular and outside appearances mean more to people than values and feelings. And then it happens again in high school. I don’t miss those days.

But today, am I much different? Yes and no.

No, I am the same nerdy girl with the constant battle with my weight. I still feel shy at times, and could easily hide out in my house and not contact people. I want to be liked. Battles that rage 20 years later.

Yes, in that I am comfortable with being who God created me to be. He made me with a love for learning. He created a passion in me for His Word. He opened my mouth for me to use it for Him. He created me to be a wife and mother, to care for the gifts He has given me- my husband and my children. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and my soul rejoices in that! (Psalm 139) I know now to believe God and His Word about who I am, and not my own feelings. (Psalm 146:5-6)

Lessons, they never end.

I did get rid of the perm.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

We interrupt this summer.............

We interrupt this fun summer for an injury………….

My four year old son loves to play with his brother. They played a little too hard last week at my parents’ house. We thought he pulled a muscle in his arm. He was favoring the other arm, and would complain when you would pick him up.

Yesterday, I was planning on taking the boys to the pool. I was getting him dressed when he complained about his arm. This time, I noticed a knot on his collarbone. Having had a broken collarbone before, I knew this was not good.

I was absolutely hysterical. How could I have let him go around with a broken bone? What kind of mother am I? Then, worrying they would think I am a bad mom and call social services.

We made an appointment with the doctor and headed over. The doctor took a look and knew that his collarbone was broken, but wanted to get x-rays to make sure the shoulder was okay. If the shoulder was the problem too, then we were looking at having surgery with an orthopedic.

We went and had the x-rays. It was just the collarbone. He is now wearing a wonderful sling to hold his shoulders back to let the bone heal properly. I told him that the sling would hold his broken bone together while God fixed it.

The worst part of the day, me getting hysterical. Did I think that God did not know about this ? Did I think He was not taking care of my son?

God did take care of it all. My son was calm and cooperative. The doctors, nurses, x-ray tech, and people in the waiting rooms all commented on how good he was. They said that most kids would be screaming and trying to get away, especially when they put the sling on him. But God was with him, giving him peace.

My wonderful friends at church had been made aware and were praying. I asked them to pray for him to be calm. God answered those prayers. I need to remember the calmness and peace I saw in my child, and try to learn from it..

There is always a lesson in everything in life. God teaches us His truths through our daily lives. We need to pay attention and learn.

I wonder what my next lesson will be.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Home Sweet Home, part 3

We started our first year of homeschooling. We did not know we would have so many changes this year.

My husband and I felt a call to change churches. We had a friend entering the ministry and he received his call for his first church, and God had placed it in our hearts to go with him. This changed our lives dramatically.

The combination of homeschooling and our church change was a lesson from God. I learned to daily seek Him as never before. I needed His strength to carry me through. I learned that true worship and prayer is a personal experience with God, not all in a worship service. I saw God move in lives and in a church as I never had before. I was on the front row seat to see the hand of God at work in my life. Because I was paying attention. I could write pages about what God taught me and my family that first year. I can truly say that I am not the same person I was before, and praise Him for that!

Our first year homeschooling adventure was amazing. It still makes me tear up, thinking that I almost missed the blessing. It was not about formal education at all. It was about our family and a life of learning. I am glad that I obeyed.

As we enter our fourth year, I get excited to think of all the “plans” we have. We have a big year with new curriculum. We are studying Creation and Ancient Civilizations, and have big field trips planned. But what most excites me are the plans that I don’t know about. The plans that God has for this year and what He will be teaching us are far better than any I could ever come up with.

I will let you know what I learn.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home, part 2

Run from God, what do I mean?? I got scared.

When I started thinking about homeschooling, it started scaring me. Not the school part, which is really odd. I did not have a problem with the teaching and learning. I am a nerd, as I have said before. I know that a classroom is not needed for learning. True education never starts or stops, it is an ongoing lifetime process. I was comfortable with that. I did not want to give up MY life or MY time. Public school was sounding better.

The neighborhood we were living in was starting to have issues. The house was too big, and the pool was a lot of worry/money/work. We put our house up for sale and moved to another county. We were in a neighborhood with a brand new school as our school. I thought, “I’ll send him there.” During this time, we had another child. Our oldest was in a church preschool, and I was really happy with it. It was a preschool that focused on fun and being a child, not “academics” (believe me, we looked at one that pushed academics for three year olds!)

During his last year of preschool, God started dealing with me and my disobedience. It was like Jonah. God gave him instructions, and he hopped in a boat and went the other way. God told me through many Scriptures what he wanted me to do. I was convicted and willingly chose to ignore it. Why? Because the “What about me?”-ness of society. I was listening to others and not to God. The people that said to me, “How can you be with your kids all day, and not have time for you?” “I could never do that, I don’t get along with my kids, they wouldn’t listen to me” I believed them and not God. That was Eve’s problem, she believed the serpent and not God.

I prayed and decided the best course of action was to believe God, and ignore the others. He would take care of me. (Romans 8:28) He would carry the load. (1 Peter 5:7) And it was about time I learned how to die to self, it is not about me. (Galatians 2:20)

So, we were about to start our first year of school. I was not prepared for the education I would receive.

To be concluded……………………

Monday, August 4, 2008

Home Sweet Home, part 1

I have been busy organizing and cleaning and cleaning and organizing around the house. We are preparing to enter our fourth year of homeschooling in September. I am getting everything ready and planning and gearing up for it all. It has made me want to tell y’all about our home/school life. You will be seeing much more of it as school starts. I want to try to post more pictures for family to keep them updated on our school.

Some of you may not know any homeschoolers, some may know me but not understand it, or you may be a homeschooler yourself and you need encouragement, and I hope I can give it to you. Just as each family and home is special and unique, such is each homeschool. Each home has a story of how God has placed them on this journey, and why they feel called into this ministry. This is our story. You may not agree with it, but it is ours.

I remember beginning to wonder about school for our oldest when he was a baby. We had the idea that he would go to the private school at our church. I would get my teaching certificate and try to teach there when he started school. I began substitute teaching there when he was a baby. I learned a lot about school while I was there. I was asked to work the maternity leave for the elementary art teacher. This was just two days a week for three months. I arranged childcare with a friend, and took the job. I had my answer after the first month. The discussions at the first and second grade lunch tables! The idea that friends come before family! The idea that what ever the teacher said was so, even if it was wrong! And this was all under the fourth grade level. What was going to happen now!

I began to do what I do best, research. I looked at education in general and different philosophies. I looked at types of schools and the history of schools. I looked at learning styles, teaching styles, and standardized testing. I looked at what God said about education. All of this research led me to research homeschooling. I then had a surprising conversation with my parents. I was over at their house and my dad asked me “Have you ever thought about homeschooling? I know a fireman and his wife and that is what they do. You would be good at it.” I told him that we were thinking about it and I was looking into it.

The year my oldest turned two, I went to the state homeschool conference in Winston Salem. I had many objectives. I wanted to see other homeschoolers, I did not know any. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t have to wear denim jumpers, grind my own wheat, and not cut/color my hair (those are all myths!) I wanted to see what all was “out there.” I was surprised to run into people I knew from church. I was also able to hear speakers on different subjects. This helped turn this decision from a head decision to a heart decision. It also led me to pray a lot more!

We were going to be homeschoolers! That is, until I decided to run from God…….to be continued…….

Friday, August 1, 2008

Dial-up Dilemma

I am probably the last person in the world to live in the world of dial up internet service. This is not by choice.

We moved last year. It is a wonderful 107 year old house on two acres out in the country. My boys absolutely love it. I do too. To be the talkative and social person that I am, I surprisingly like not having neighbors. We have “country neighbors”, there if you need them. The cattle farmer that owns the land behind us is wonderful. His son farms with him. They ride through the fields and if they see us, they will stop and talk. They are there if we need them and wonderful people. They identify snakes for this city girl, and even don’t laugh at me when I want to watch them cut and bale hay. They even bring me produce!

It takes some getting used to, living in an old house. Nothing is level. But that’s okay, it’s called character. The darkness out here surprised me too. The first night in the house I looked outside and could see nothing-pitch black. The power company has a light out there now. Had to have some light. We do live on a busy street though. Half the city uses it as a shortcut to the beach. We have hopes that the new bypass will cut down the traffic.

All that said, we are back to the dial up dilemma. We have no DSL, no broadband, no road runner, no option! We have satellite TV service, but I can’t bring myself to pay for internet through them. It is highway robbery. There is another satellite internet service I am looking into, so we will see.

Those that have left the dial up world for greener pastures, you forget all the issues:

I have taken some great pictures with the new camera. I tried to upload one onto the blog, and the internet crashed. I tried to email a picture, and it was going to take 30 minutes to upload the picture!

No YouTube. Don’t even try to send me a funny/serious/heart warming video. I can’t watch it.

And forget about looking at “fancy” websites. I can never get them loaded.

All this is funny, but it is seriously frustrating when I need to download articles or MP3 files for homeschooling. I just can’t do it. We have downloaded some files in the night, since it ties up my phone line and takes 2 hours to do.

So, do you have any advice…..what other options do I have? Really, tell me.