Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's in the water!!

This is an odd blog subject, but everything with me is. Just fair warning.

Our city has an aquatics and fitness center that we are members of. It is like the YMCA. The outdoor waterpark is the "hottest place to stay cool" in town, their wording, not mine! Due to some "diaper malfunctions" they have had to put new guidelines in place. I don't blame them at all. As a money paying member, it is annoying to drive from the country to find the pool closed for super chlorination. They want to avoid closing. So, if your child is not potty trained, they must wear the swim diaper and rubber pants. If your child has a "diaper malfunction" and the pool must close, you will be fined $150. They are trying to make a point, and I get it. My youngest is FINALLY potty trained, but I am scared of an accident and the $150 fine, so he is still wearing the rubber pants. As my friend pointed out, if it is going to happen it would be my kid that does it, and that is so true!

Yesterday, I took the boys to the waterpark for a couple of hours. We went by ourselves, with apologies to my friend and her children for not calling, and planned to stay for just a couple of hours. The boys had a great time. My oldest loves the big water slides and is busy perfecting his handstands. My youngest is beginning to love the water and the kiddie slides. So time went by quickly. The boys wanted snow cones, and being a good mother I let them ingest lots of sugar and red dye #40. As we are preparing to leave, the dreaded announcement came..."PLEASE CLEAR THE POOL, PLEASE CLEAR THE POOL!" I offered to pass out flyers to the parents, because evidently someone believes their potty trained two-year-old will never have a accident and wouldn't spring for the $1 rubber pants.

We got in the car and my oldest asked why people can't follow the rules and why do they have to close the pool, "Can't the lifeguards just use the net??" OK--YUCK! I explained the contamination issue. It does not take much in the water to make it unsafe to swim in, especially with young children drinking the pool water. YUCK AGAIN!

As we were driving home, the LORD explains it to me, too. "How much sin is okay?" Just a little won't hurt. Or will it. Just watching a little bit of sin on TV won't hurt me. I will be fine. It is always a very slippery slope. Sin just slides us into more sin, until it is what we are used to. "But we have to live in the world." Please read Hebrews 11, this world is not our home, we are meant to feel out of place. "God will use it what I do to show people His Truth! I need to fit in with them to show them Christians are fun!" Paul addresses this very issue in Romans chapter 3. Read the chapter. See if you don't hear the same arguments today.

We have a sin problem. God has given us the rules and we are blessed by obeying them (see blog title). If you think just a little won't hurt, then I have a pool full of drinking water for you.

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