Thursday, August 7, 2008

We interrupt this summer.............

We interrupt this fun summer for an injury………….

My four year old son loves to play with his brother. They played a little too hard last week at my parents’ house. We thought he pulled a muscle in his arm. He was favoring the other arm, and would complain when you would pick him up.

Yesterday, I was planning on taking the boys to the pool. I was getting him dressed when he complained about his arm. This time, I noticed a knot on his collarbone. Having had a broken collarbone before, I knew this was not good.

I was absolutely hysterical. How could I have let him go around with a broken bone? What kind of mother am I? Then, worrying they would think I am a bad mom and call social services.

We made an appointment with the doctor and headed over. The doctor took a look and knew that his collarbone was broken, but wanted to get x-rays to make sure the shoulder was okay. If the shoulder was the problem too, then we were looking at having surgery with an orthopedic.

We went and had the x-rays. It was just the collarbone. He is now wearing a wonderful sling to hold his shoulders back to let the bone heal properly. I told him that the sling would hold his broken bone together while God fixed it.

The worst part of the day, me getting hysterical. Did I think that God did not know about this ? Did I think He was not taking care of my son?

God did take care of it all. My son was calm and cooperative. The doctors, nurses, x-ray tech, and people in the waiting rooms all commented on how good he was. They said that most kids would be screaming and trying to get away, especially when they put the sling on him. But God was with him, giving him peace.

My wonderful friends at church had been made aware and were praying. I asked them to pray for him to be calm. God answered those prayers. I need to remember the calmness and peace I saw in my child, and try to learn from it..

There is always a lesson in everything in life. God teaches us His truths through our daily lives. We need to pay attention and learn.

I wonder what my next lesson will be.


Faith said...

So thankful that he is doing okay and that you all felt the peace of God that surpasses all understanding! Praying for a quick recovery!

JenB said...

Oh yuck! Becca broke hers at 3 1/3 when she fell down our stairs. Glad he's ok!